Friday, January 15, 2010

Forgotten present

I guess you could say that your kids get too many Christmas gifts when .....Grandma finds a forgotten present weeks after Christmas is over. I knew exactly where this was, but I was thinking it was a birthday present for Sam's upcoming 3rd birthday. When asked about the gift Grandmas simply said "oh, I guess I forgot where I put that". Sam had fun playing with this new toy....until his older sister came home and claimed it for her own.

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What is that toy? It looks totally cool! Something that Mary would LOvE!!!

Thanks for dropping by...I am beginning to feel a bit better. Energy level is improving and nausea/vomiting is subsiding. Thank God!!!

Oh, and don't think we are getting rid of the "Miss Erin" kitchen! We tried to put it out with the large item pick up pile the first Monday in December and Mary and Ben went nuts...they went to the pile and dragged it OUT. It's back on the porch for now...hahahah!!!

Let's get together and scrapbook. You can even come admire me new kitchen table!

Love ya,

Lemonade Makin' Mama

Hi Miss Erin! So fun to "meet" you and what a cutie pie you are!! I want a forgotten present too!! What fun.

Love your music too by the way- :)



Lemonade Makin Mama...thanks for the compliments you are too sweet. Aren't forgotten presents the best? My mother always misplaced presents around the holidays and then gave it to me weeks sometimes months later.

Val...glad to hear you are better. We do need to get together and scrapbook or just chat. What fun we have together. Can't wait to see the new kitchen table, I know it looks great in your house. So glad to hear the "Miss Erin" kitchen is still there, but I don't blame you for trying to set it out on the curb...I can only see my two angels dragging it back up the driveway to the backporch. Lets chat soon.

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