But during the summer I stay up late, sleep in late (or whenever Sam gets up). Get dressed and ready for the day when ever I find a few minutes. Sam has no daycare friends here to keep him busy, so he is constantly wanting my attention (did I say constantly?) Then we eat breakfast, sometimes go for a walk and then before I know it it's lunch time. Finally nap time arrives and I still don't get anything done, my girls are fighting or wanting things done, I am rushing them off to the pool or a friends house. 2hours goes by so quickly and little man is waking up from his nap, and now I am deciding what dinner will be and who will be here for the meal. Or we just eat some thing quickly because we have to rush off the softball or tennis practice. Then we play outside a little in the evening or go to the swimming pool. Thankfully bedtime arrives and all is quiet...but I am exhausted so I hit the pillow all to do it over again the very next day.
Wow I need a nap now just blogging about my busy life makes me tired. But instead of sleeping I am going to try and get caught up on scrapbooking. Hubby and my girls are gone... little man is going down for a nap in exactly 4 minutes. I am going to grab lunch a diet Dr. Pepper and work on pictures and memories from last summer. Yes, last summer, I have never been this far behind in my scrapbooking, NEVER. I also have to finish my photo editing class on-line I am a week behind with that. So I am going to stop blogging for now and get some things done. Later!!!
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