Thursday, January 7, 2010

Raisin Cookies

Every Christmas season (or almost every Christmas season) my mom makes these delicious raisin cookies. It was a tradition that my Grandma started and my mom continues to this day. She still uses the very old cook book to follow when she makes these cookies. Most people would have written the recipe down in their own handwriting, but I think my mom likes to use the same cook book that her mother used. It is like she is channeling my Grandmother (who by the way was a terrific cook). This year she is a bit behind, but I say better late than never.

As I was taking these pictures to post my mother was dead set against me posting the recipe. I even took a picture of the recipe but like a teenager, I got caught! So sorry there is no recipe to go along with these delicious raisin cookies. You will just have to take my word, they are delicious.

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Cookies look YUMMY!!

Ok you should totally try to make the show sometime. The next one is the weekend of Valentine's day and tickets are already on sale. Let me know if you decide to try it out so we can say HI!!!


Thanks Molly, I will let you know if we decide to go. The cookies are yummy!


I don't usually like raisins but those do look really good!


Would your mom be willing to pass the recipe on to a really, really, really good friend?!!!


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