So the other day I posted how there was so much drama in our house, well the drama found us again this morning. My daughter AGAIN could not get up this morning and she was running late. While putting on her black lace legging (yes, she finally found them) poked a hole through them with her finger. She thought it would be ok to wear them since her jean skirt was covering the hole. Wrong....I had to be the bearer of of bad news and tell her the hole would only get bigger as the day went on. Was she mad that she had to go back upstairs and change her clothes? Oh yeah she was mad, she couldn't just change the tights, or better yet just take them off, she had to change the entire outfit. With 5 minutes till we had to leave for school she barrels down the stairs with HOT PINK jeans, a white t-shirt under a neon green tank top, and vans tennis shoes. I immediately had to be the bearer of really bad news again, and tell her she had to lose the neon green tank. Was she mad? Oh you bet your sweet cheeks she was MAD!! And you guessed it the water works started coming. This time she had to change her entire outfit again, but this one was really cute. After I somewhat stopped the water works we headed off to school with just a few tears. Now I am sitting at home wondering if she is doing ok and if she is having a great day at school. I sure hope so.
My 11yr old is great with fashion, never has a problem putting an outfit together, but this one was a dud. When she grows up I just know she will do something in the fashion industry, it is her passion.
And so enters my 8yr old dressed in the same shorts she wore to volleyball last night and slept in last night. Can you believe she really thought she could wear these to school? I also had to give her the bad news of changing her clothes. She came down the second time dressed for the middle of summer, I just gave up and let her wear what ever she wanted, I was exhausted by this time. I am so ready to get this week over with.
Loved yesterday's post as well as today's post! GIRLS!!! See, there was a reason my parents sent me to Catholic school thru the 12th grade...UNIFORMS!!! LOL
P.S. I love the signature and have been contemplating doing the same. I read several blogs that have the signature and really like the way it looks. Getting ready to do a blog makeover...I think!
Yes, I think Catholic school would be great clothes wise. No fights in the morning about clothes and outfits.
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